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Booby Trap: Favored strategy by the survivors to keep the Swarm at bay.Body Horror: Over the course of the game, you become more and more alien in appearance, as you gains new abilities.Crapsack World: Billions of humans dead, survivors hidding underground, aliens roam all over the surface, which has been rendered uninhabitable by radiation.Blade Below the Shoulder: Hand held melee weapons in turn are replaced by blades growing from your arms.Big Creepy-Crawlies: Parasite swarm creatures look like caterpillars.Arm Cannon: Halfway through the game, your human firearms are replaced by an organic one of these.

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With no choice but to kill to survive, you set out to find out what you are and what your purpose is. Swarm creatures attack you on sight, as do the human soldiers you come across, while calling you an infiltrator. You wake up in an alien hive, with no memory of how you got there. There the survivors work tirelessly to stop this new threat. Some believe they are the products of experiments the swarm has done on humans, while some believe it's the first of a new generation of swarm adapted to life on Earth.Ģ012, one of mankind's last bastions dubbed "The Laboratory", resides beneath the ruins of Moscow. Meanwhile, sightings of strange humanoid creatures are reported, their purpose unknown.

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The year is now 2011, and mankind is still fighting to survive.

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During 2009, the Swarm directed its effort to locate and wipe out the few remaining pockets of resistance. Within the year, they had complete control of earth and had wiped out most of mankind. In 2008, Earth was invaded by the alien swarm. MorphX is a Third-Person Shooter for the Xbox 360, developed by Russian studio Buka Entertainment, published by 505 Games in Europe and North America and was released in 2010.

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